IBW has extensive experience working with county and city health departments in conducting Community Health Assessments, creating Community Health Improvement Plans, and integrating community issues into departmental strategic plans.
IBW recently completed a major project with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to conduct a State Health Assessment and facilitate development of its 2023-2027 State Health Improvement Plan.
The deeply researched State Health Assessment presents qualitative and quantitative data and analysis about the physical, mental, social, and environmental health of Kansas. Wherever possible, the report presents both state and county level data and includes context gleaned from state and national sources to provide local health, business, and nonprofit organizations detailed insights into the unique experiences of the people living in their communities. The report is designed and written to be an accessible and meaningful resource for all individuals and organizations interested in and working toward improving the health and well-being of the state.
View the Healthy Kansans 2030 State Health Assessment report here.
KDHE understood from the beginning that no single organization could successfully advance the goals of a State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). Therefore, work to develop the 2023-2027 SHIP engaged more than 70 people from across the state and involved multiple meetings to define and build consensus about the goals, operational tactics, and progress/performance measures it contains. The plan was built around four priorities distilled from the results of the State Health Assessment:
Improve Inequities in Health and Health Outcomes
Improve Access to Care
Facilitate Healthy Behaviors/Improve Health Literacy
Improve Public Health Funding and Capacity
The final plan will guide collaborative work at the state level to address these priorities. It also serves as a road map for organizations and agencies at local, regional, and state levels, presenting opportunities to adopt/adapt SHIP goals and tactics into their ongoing work.
View the Healthy Kansans 2030 State Health Improvement Plan here.
We invite you to consider how you and your organization can contribute to addressing these health priorities in Kansas.